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Marcela Trsova Art&Healing


I believe that by  connecting to your heart, your intuition and the energies of our environment and focusing on living in the present moment you discover who you truly are and what is your purpose in life.



Using variety of creative processes and the spiritual practices of shamanic healing , guided meditation, visualisation and sound therapy I guide people to get in touch with their heart, body and soul enabling them to find the inner peace and joy within and through it gaining the clarity and courage to fullfill their ambitions and dreams.

Reiki Healing

Healing Sessions

 By making a shamanic journey outside of time and space into what is called “non-ordinary reality” or a universe parallel to our own, the shaman is met by spirit helpers in the form of human teachers or animals. It is actually these compassionate spirits who perform the healing work though the shaman who is only acting as a conduit.

Singing Bowl

Sound Bath Meditation

Using a combination of shamanic drumming, the sound of quartz crystal bowls, tibetan singing bowls, steel tongues drum,rainstick, tunning forks and Koshi chimes you'll experience deep and healing relaxation, drifting into an altered state of consciousness.

This will help you to release feelings of anxiety, fear and worry and allow you to benefit from improved sleep, increased feelings of happiness, energy and a boost for your immune system

Healing Stones

Joyfull Hearts Programme

By using variety of creative processes and the spiritual practices of shamanic healing , guided meditation and visualisation, I guide people to get in touch with their heart, body and soul enabling them to find the clarity and courage to follow their ambitions and dreams and find the inner peace and joy within themselves.

By connecting to your heart, your intuition and the energies of our environment and focusing on living in the present moment you discover who you truly are and what is your purpose in life.

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